In some situations it can be difficult to obtain an assistive medical device or a computer to access the community.
NMTAP partners with the community based programs, BackInUse (BIU) and DiverseIT of Adelante Development Center to provide this service to individuals with disabilities.
Call or use on-line format to request any needed item!!
Back In Use (BIU) – Used Medical Equipment for Individuals with Disabilities
We offer used durable medical equipment to individuals with disabilities when there is no other alternative to provide that accessibility, or when an item covered by insurance is being ordered or repaired.
If you have a new request for equipment call: (505) 445-5332
To check on the status of a previous request call: (505) 341-7171
email: website:

BackInUse is located within GiveABQ at 1520 1st St NW in a large blue building.
call: 505-341-4483 website:
DiverseIT – Used Computers for Individuals with Disabilities
We offer used computers to individuals with disabilities who currently don’t own or have access to a computer to be used at school, for work, or to assist in community life when there is no other source to affordably obtain one.
call: (505) 341-2000 or email:
DiverseIT now has a
Computer Repair and Training Center located at 5400 San Mateo Blvd NE, Albuquerque, NM 87109. If you are an individual in need of a computer diagnostic, repair, or training please contact the the Computer Repair and Training Center at 505-881-TECH (8384).

You may contact either program noted above or submit an online request to obtain equipment for a person with a disability using the link at the bottom of the page. BIU and DiverseIT require proof of disability from a doctor in order to for an individual to receive equipment and may request a monetary donation for certain types of equipment.
Donations Accepted
The BackInUse and DiverseIT programs also accept donations of used durable medical equipment such as wheelchairs, hospital beds, bath chairs, and computers that are no more than 5 years old. We only accept computers that are Pentium 3 or newer. Items are physically cleaned and computers have all personal information removed when operating systems are re-installed.
Call the numbers above to leave a message and BIU or DiverseIT will call you back to arrange for receipt of equipment or to donate equipment. You may also submit
a request to make a donation online. Donations are accepted in Albuquerque at 1520 1st Street NW, M-F, 8am-5pm or arrangements can be made to pickup larger items in Albuquerque and surrounding areas. We may be able to pick up large donations from other areas on a limited basis.