NMTAP offers free services to New Mexicans with disabilities to help them get the assistive technology (AT) services they need. It is a statewide program designed to increase knowledge of, access to, and acquisition of assistive or adaptive technology for anyone with any disability, anywhere in the state, of any age.

ATC24 Postponed

This is an announcement that our annual ATC24 Conference will be postponed this year. Due to unforeseen circumstances, we will not be able to hold the event by year’s end and a decision has been made to focus on ATC25 to be held in September 2025.
Thank you very much for your patience as we work to put on the best conference possible for our wonderful attendees. Please stay posted for additional updates and for other Assistive Technology training announcements throughout the year.
We hope to see you next year at ATC25!

Satellite Office Closure

After careful consideration, we at the New Mexico Technology Assistance Program (NMTAP) have made the difficult decision to close our Satellite offices; our northern Satellite office located at NEREC at Highlands University and our southern Satellite office located at Western New Mexico University.

This decision was not made lightly. We understand that our presence in the community has been important to many, and we deeply value the relationships we’ve built over the years. Unfortunately, due to budget constraints, we can no longer sustain operations through these locations at this time. Our future goal is to have Satellite offices in all four corners of NM, but rest assured that we are still available statewide from our Albuquerque office, so please do not hesitate to call us at 505-841-4464 or email nmtap@gcd.nm.gov to obtain the Assistive Technology services that you need!!

We want to express our heartfelt gratitude to Western New Mexico University and the Northeast Regional Education Cooperative. The Assistive Technology services you provided to the people with disabilities in New Mexico is invaluable.

Extended Loan Period

Our Device Loans for most of the devices in our loan library are now 6 weeks! Devices that are in high demand are still limited to the 30-day loan period. Check with NMTAP staff to confirm the length of your device loan.

Check out our online database to explore the Assistive Technology in our loan library.

NMTAP Announcement

This is to alert you that the toll free number 1-855-891-8295 has not been active with NMTAP for several years. Do not call this number!

Some very old NMTAP brochures are still available across New Mexico that includes this number. PLEASE dispose of them ASAP and DO NOT call the toll free number!  It may not be a legitimate number and is not associated with NMTAP in any way!!

You may contact us at 505-841-4464 to obtain new brochures that will be available in the near future.

We apologize for any inconvenience or misunderstanding this may have caused.  We’re dedicated to serving persons with disabilities statewide with appropriate assistive technology services.

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NMTAP is a program of the State of New Mexico Governor's Commission on Disability, under a grant from the U.S Department of Health and Human Services, Administration on Community Living.